Father of Forensic Science: Key Moments that Shaped History

Father of Forensic Science: Key Moments that Shaped History

BY SIFS India | August 25, 2024

Father of Forensic Science: Key Moments that Shaped History

Who is the father of forensic science?

I am sure several times the above question might have popped up in your mind too.

So here is the answer.

Forensic science is a vast field.

There is no one pioneer who has made groundbreaking contributions to this ever-growing field. 

These pioneers, often referred to as the "fathers" of their respective fields, laid the foundation for various specialized areas within forensic science.

The vision and dedication of these early experts led to the evolution of these disciplines.

Their work continues to influence the way we investigate crimes and seek justice today. 

So, now let’s have a brief overview of these key figures who shaped the diverse fields of forensic science.

Father of Forensic Science: Bernard Spilsbury

Father of Forensic Accounting: Frank John Wilson

Father of Forensic Anthropology: Thomas Dwight

Father of Ballistics: Calvin Hooker Goddard

Father of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: Dr. Eduard Piotrowski

Father of Blood Group Identification: Karl Landsteiner

Father of Forensic Botany: Arthur Koehler

Father of Computer Forensics: Michael Anderson

Father of Comparison Microscope: Phillipe O. Gravelle

Father of Criminal Identification System: Alphonse Bertillon

Father of Criminalistics: Hans Gross

Father of Criminology: Cesare Lombroso

Father of DNA Fingerprinting: Alec John Jeffreys

Father of Explosives: Alfred Nobel

Father of Forensic Entomology: Bernard Greenberg

Father of Fingerprints: Francis Galton

Father of Firearm and ToolMark Examination: Calvin H. Goddard

Father of Forensic Geology: Ray Murray

Father of Forensic Linguistics: Jan Svartvik

Father of Forensic Medicine: Paolo Zacchia

Father of Microscopic Forensics: Walter McCrone

Father of Forensic Nursing: Virginia Lynch

Father of Forensic Odontology: Oscar Amoedo

Father of Forensic Photography: Alphonse Bertillon

Father of Forensic Podiatry: Norman H. Gunn

Father of Forensic Psychology: Hugo Munsterberg

Father of Forensic Pathology: Paolo Zacchia

Father of Forensic Palynology: Vaughn Bryant

Father of Forensic Serology: Arthur Mourant

Father of Questioned Documents: Albert S. Osborn

Father of Toxicology: Paracelsus

Father of Modern Toxicology: Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure Orfila

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