How to Prevent Data Breaches?

How to Prevent Data Breaches?

BY SIFS India | August 18, 2024

How to Prevent Data Breaches?

Data Breach is the thoughtful or involuntary arrival of secure or private/personal data to an untrusted situation. It may be involved in the intellectual properties, PHI i.e. personal health information, trade secrets and PII i.e. personal identifiable information.
Here we will study the various types of data breaches and how to prevent data breach.

Common Scenarios

The most common scenario likely to be confronted with is the theft of or disclosure of personal information without the knowledge of the victim. The personal information such as software source code, credit card numbers, social security numbers & passwords, and healthcare information’s, along with the corporate data, like customer lists and manufacturing processes.

The data breach is a typical attacker hacking, which is involved in the commercial websites and stealing some important data from the database in a company.

In the current scenario, a data breach is higher than ever before. Organizations/Corporate Companies are to secure confidential information from hackers and they should select some resolutions which are based upon the operational model for cyber security.

There are few steps to avoid data breaches which are as follows:

Stop Incursion by Targeted Attacks 

The most common vulnerabilities an attacker may exploit can be divided into the following:
  • Zero-day vulnerabilities
  • Structure Query Language Injection (SQL)
  • Data malware attacks
  • Default or easily guessable passwords

These avenues for an incursion to the data assets of the company can be stopped or prevented by focusing on IT compliance controls as well as regularly changing passwords and updating the system with regular security patches. 

Using Global Intelligence to Narrow Down Threats in Real-time 

Employing the cloud and internet security management system can allow for real-time detection of suspicious activities and flag them down for further investigations.

Proactively Protect Information

Use data encryption algorithms and secure network channels like TOR network configurations and VPN (Virtual Private Network).

Automate Security Through its Compliance Controls 

In today’s corporate world not only outsiders are trying to hack into various government and private information databases but insider threats are there also. Hanging like a sword overhead.
These insiders can be prevented by enforcing a strict IT security compliance control, it is with regret that most companies neglect enforcing measures such as security patches, (Bring Your Own Device) BYOD isolation, Firewall, and network confirmations in compliance with various internet security management systems to detect suspicious activities etc. leads to data breaches. 

Prevent Data Exfiltration 

Employing such network port and firewall configurations that prevent sharing or exchange of data over networks or physical ports such that without proper permissions the sharing of the data is prohibited even though a person can access the system freely be it by remote control or through malicious software. Hence, even if a hacker has successfully established a connection with the targeted system this policy will help in the exfiltration of data.

Develop and Assimilate Policies to give an Efficient Response 

Due to the advent of new methods and vulnerabilities coming to light regularly, it has become impertinent for the IT team to update the database of such vulnerabilities and develop strategies against any exploitation of their systems through these methods.


The above discussed methods about how to prevent data breach are a few of many. With the change in attacking techniques by the hackers, new safety methods need to be developed and implemented.

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