Techniques, Case Studies, & Career Tips

Applications of Forensic Science to Human Rights

By SIFS India | 5th April, 2023

Applications of Forensic Science to Huma...

Conflict, insecurity, weak institutions and limited access to justice continue to pose a serious thr...

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Virdentopsy | Third Eye in Covid-19 Pandemic

By SIFS India | 15th March, 2023

Virdentopsy | Third Eye in Covid-19 Pand...

Forensic is a challenging and outstanding branch in the medical field. It is a deadly combination of...

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Stages of Insect Life Cycle | Forensic Entomology

By SIFS India | 1st March, 2023

Stages of Insect Life Cycle | Forensic E...

Forensic entomology is the study of the application of insects and other arthropods in a criminal in...

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Heredity and Cause of Crimes in Criminology

By SIFS India | 15th February, 2023

Heredity and Cause of Crimes in Criminol...

It is a myth to think of a crimeless society. In fact, there can be no society without the problem o...

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Importance of Ethical Hacking in Cyber Security

By SIFS India | 1st February, 2023

Importance of Ethical Hacking in Cyber S...

The term "hacker" was created to characterize professionals who redesigned mainframe systems to boos...

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Mental Disorders Relevance | Forensic Perspective

By SIFS India | 18th January, 2023

Mental Disorders Relevance | Forensic Pe...

Some people overreact to simple statements and situations, some have difficulty in relating to other...

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Skeletal Remains Significance in Forensic Science

By SIFS India | 4th January, 2023

Skeletal Remains Significance in Forensi...

Human remains or skeletal remains refer not only to a complete skeleton but also include a part of a...

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Forensic Ballistics | History, Overview, Types

By SIFS India | 21st December, 2022

Forensic Ballistics | History, Overview,...

With every advancement of technology and man’s livelihood and mass manufacturing of Firearms by Gu...

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Forensic Information System for Handwriting (FISH)

By SIFS India | 7th December, 2022

Forensic Information System for Handwrit...

FISH stands for Forensic Information System for Handwriting. This is a computer-based mission-critic...

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Forensic DNA Phenotyping | Predicting Human Appearances

By SIFS India | 16th November, 2022

Forensic DNA Phenotyping | Predicting Hu...

DNA phenotyping is a technique in which the physical appearance (phenotype) of a person is predicted...

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Phishing Attacks | Types, Tools, Prevention Techniques

By SIFS India | 2nd November, 2022

Phishing Attacks | Types, Tools, Prevent...

Phishing is a type of social engineering in which an attacker sends a false message intended to dece...

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Livor Mortis Analysis Forensic Perspective

By SIFS India | 19th October, 2022

Livor Mortis Analysis Forensic Perspecti...

Lividity refers to the bluish-purple discoloration of skin when dead. It's a standard sign associate...

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