Thanks for letting this great opportunity of knowing more about forensic science in details. It was an incredible session.

Firearm investigation is a special forensic science field that studies the firearm characteristics and ballistics for linking bullets found at the crime scene with a specific firearm. From here, investigators try to link this particular firearm to a specific person as a suspect. The culprit can obliterate the serial number of the firearm. However, other evidence, like fingerprints, bloodstains, cloth fibers, soil particles, etc., may still be there that can help catch the suspect.
This area of study examines the path of a bullet from when it leaves the firearm up until it strikes the target. During investigations in which the use of firearms is suspected, a number of artifacts may be collected for examination, including firearms, cartridge cases, bullets, live ammunition, trace materials, and any material damaged by a projectile.
The study of firearms and firearm ballistics is often divided into internal, external, and terminal ballistics. Internal ballistics refers to the processes inside the firearm—the minute space of time between the shooter pulling the trigger and the bullet exiting the muzzle of the gun. Following this, external ballistics deals with the bullet’s flight between leaving the firearm and striking a target. Finally, terminal ballistics, also known as impact ballistics, refers to the study of the projectile striking a target.
In this webinar on "Detecting and Investigating Firearm Incidents", you will learn about the procedures followed to investigate firearm incidents and the scope of this field.