Such an informative session. I gained so much knowledge from this session. Very well presented by the speaker. Thanks organizers for giving us the chance to be a part of it.

Forensic taphonomy is an emerging field that has gained popularity in the past 15 years. It is a subfield of forensic anthropology, primarily focusing on how taphonomic forces alter criminal evidence.
Forensic taphonomy has two different branches, namely
Biotaphonomy: This branch studies the cause behind the decomposition or destruction of the organism. However, factors like environmental, external, individualistic (body size, age, etc.) and cultural (burial practices) affect this branch.
Geotahonomy: This branch studies the effect of burial and burial practices on the environment. It includes tool marks left while digging the grave, soil and plant growth disturbances, an alteration in soil pH due to body decomposition, and changes in the surrounding land and water drainage due to the addition of unnatural stuff to the area.
In this webinar on "The Impact of Forensic Human Taphonomy: From Body Farms to the Courtroom", the speaker will discuss the importance of using taphonomic profiles to determine what happened to the body at the time of death (perimortem) and after death (postmortem) and also how it can prove valuable evidence during criminal investigations.