DVI ( Disaster Victim Identification ) | International Workshop

DVI ( Disaster Victim Identification ) | International Workshop

Fingerprints play a key role in disaster victim identification. As a keynote speaker, Dr. Ranjeet Singh shed light on different aspects and methods of fingerprint development and identification processes for the personal identification of victims in cases of mass disaster.

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Fingerprint Identification and Analysis | Professional Training | SIFS India

Fingerprint Identification and Analysis | Professional Training | SIFS India

A short-term training session was curated for professionals from distinct backgrounds to equip them with knowledge about the art and science of fingerprint identification and analysis. The attendees learned about different types of fingerprints, their development techniques, and techniques to analyze them.

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Role of Fingerprint Evidence in Indian Criminal Justice System

Role of Fingerprint Evidence in Indian Criminal Justice System

Dr. Ranjeet Singh highlighted the importance of fingerprints as evidence at a professional development workshop on Role of Forensic Science in the Indian Criminal Justice System for law professionals. He discussed various types of fingerprints that can be encountered at a crime scene and the challenges associated with their identification and collection.

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Recent Advances and Challenges in Forensic Crime Investigation | National Seminar | Centurion University

Recent Advances and Challenges in Forensic Crime Investigation | National Seminar | Centurion University

Centurion University organized a seminar on "Recent Advances and Challenges in Forensic Crime Investigation", to keep students updated about the latest developments in the field. They invited Dr. Ranjeet Singh to interact with the students and share his experiences and practical crime-solving tips.

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Art of Photo-Facial Analysis for Forensic Investigations and Identification

Art of Photo-Facial Analysis for Forensic Investigations and Identification

SIFS India organized a comprehensive two-day national workshop featuring distinguished personalities such as Michael W. Streed, Prof. Emillio Nuzzolese, Mohinder Singh, Raj Shrivastava, Phaneendar B. N and Dr. Ranjeet Singh. The workshop included hands-on sessions that delved into various aspects of photo-facial analysis, a specialized technique used for assessing and interpreting facial features in photographs to aid in forensic investigations and identification processes.

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Global Cyber Frauds and Defence Strategies

Global Cyber Frauds and Defence Strategies

With an increase in cyber fraud worldwide, it has become crucial for organizations to educate their employees. Hence, BHEL Bangalore invited Dr. Ranjeet Singh to conduct a one-day training session on Cyber Forensics. The session primarily focused on the various cyber frauds occurring globally.

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SAACH - A TRUTH | Lie Detection | National Workshop

SAACH - A TRUTH | Lie Detection | National Workshop

Following a successful response in Delhi, the National Conference SAACH - A TRUTH on Lie Detection and Interrogation was organized in Bangalore. Participants from across India gathered to acquire the skills and methodologies of Lie-Detection, a process that involves analyzing physiological and behavioral cues to ascertain the truthfulness or deception of an individual's statements during an interrogation.

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Diverse Opportunities in Forensic Entrepreneurship for Emerging Experts

Diverse Opportunities in Forensic Entrepreneurship for Emerging Experts

The Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Institute of Forensic Science and Criminology, Bundelkhand University, organized a conference on the topic of the Forensic Entrepreneurship Program. During the event, Dr. Ranjeet Singh, the CEO of SIFS India, discussed the diverse opportunities available in the field of forensic science for emerging experts. Forensic entrepreneurship entails leveraging forensic expertise to create and manage businesses related to forensic services, expert consulting, and forensic technology, thereby contributing to the growth and development of the forensic industry.

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Raising Awareness, Imparting Skills, and Strengthening Defences Against Financial Threats

Raising Awareness, Imparting Skills, and Strengthening Defences Against Financial Threats

Financial fraud has been a topic of concern throughout history, but in recent times, organizations worldwide have understood the importance of educating and equipping their employees to defend against these threats. CAMS Pvt. Ltd. has taken the initiative to provide training for their staff, led by our senior-most expert, to safeguard their operations from such fraudulent activities. This training delivered by Dr. Ranjeet Singh not only raised awareness about financial frauds but also imparted knowledge and skills to detect, prevent, and respond effectively to potential threats, thereby enhancing the security and resilience of the organization.

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Forensic Psychology and Lie Detection | National Workshop

Forensic Psychology and Lie Detection | National Workshop

SIFS India organized a one-day workshop focusing on Forensic Psychology and Lie Detection, drawing participants from all corners of the nation. The workshop provided an in-depth understanding of the methods and techniques used to uncover the truth. Distinguished speakers, Dr. Ranjeet Singh, Phaneendar BN, and Dr. Chandani Srinivasan, shared their expertise and insights during the event. Forensic psychology, a subfield of psychology, is vital in legal and investigative contexts, assisting in understanding human behavior and motivations in criminal cases and deception detection. Lie detection involves the examination of physiological and behavioral indicators to determine the truthfulness of statements, a crucial skill in forensic investigations and interrogations.

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Decode Thoughts, Emotions, and Character

Decode Thoughts, Emotions, and Character

SIFS India, under the supervision of Dr. Ranjeet Singh, conducted a day-long hands-on workshop "INVESTI-GRAPH", highlighting the significance of graphology in deciphering a person's personality. Handwriting holds a wealth of information, is closely linked to an individual's thoughts and personality, and can provide valuable insights about a person's character, emotions, and psychological state. The workshop was delivered by eminent graphologists who shared their knowledge about the subject with the attendees.

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Forensic Odontology & Child Abuse: Uniting Global Minds to Address Critical Issues, Enhance Awareness, and Strengthen Legal Responses

Forensic Odontology & Child Abuse: Uniting Global Minds to Address Critical Issues, Enhance Awareness, and Strengthen Legal Responses

The International Conference on Forensic Odontology & Child Abuse took place at King George's Medical University in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. Distinguished speakers from around the world gathered to discuss the multifaceted approaches to achieving justice in cases of child abuse. Dr. Ranjeet Singh had the honor of being invited as a speaker at this prestigious conference, which addressed critical issues related to forensic odontology and child abuse, aiming to enhance awareness, prevention, and the legal response to these sensitive matters.

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Forensic Odontology & Child Abuse | Expert Lecture

Forensic Odontology & Child Abuse | Expert Lecture

The Conference on Forensic Odontology and Child Abuse focused on the examination of bite marks in cases of child abuse. The conference provided a platform for experts to share knowledge, techniques, and insights pertaining to the forensic analysis of bite marks in cases involving child abuse. Dr. Ranjeet Singh was among the eminent personalities who gathered from around the world to share their valuable insights about this issue.

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Physical Assault Crime Scene Training

Physical Assault Crime Scene Training

SIFS India organized a mock crime scene training for their students to get hands-on experience of securing and processing the crime scene, along with evidence identification, collection, and packaging techniques to implement. The crime scene created revolved around a case of physical assault.

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Drug Over Dose Crime Scene Investigation and Management

Drug Over Dose Crime Scene Investigation and Management

SIFS India organized a mock drill at the institute for their students covering the topic "Drug Over Dose". This practical exercise allowed students to practice and refine their investigative skills, fostering a deeper understanding of the processes and techniques involved in crime scene examination and evidence collection.

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